Here we are again, with a new post on Homeschooling Tips that Begin with the Letter D. I’m sure you’ll find this post extremely helpful. If you happen to think of a homeschooling tip, please leave it in the comments.
Homeschooling Tip #1: Dealing with Difficulties
O.K., let’s face it. Not every day is going to be easy. I wish it were, but, I’m sorry, it’s not.
There’s a zillion different scenarios where things don’t go as planned. Like, the computer won’t work right, a child has learning difficulties, someone in the family is sick, the dog ate the homework, etc. You just can’t avoid it.
It’s all on how we deal with these problems that is the most important; fixing them comes second.
If you’re a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit to help you. When you find that things are going wrong, and you’re losing your patience, just stop and pray. Take a moment to yourself, go read your Bible, and pray.
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with a peace that only He can give, and then ask Him to help you fix the problem. Guess what? He will.
Your children will learn more from your behavior in a difficult situation, than they will from a workbook. Even though it’s hard, embrace the difficulty, discuss it with your kids, and then maybe even pray about it together!
Homeschooling Tip #2: Daring Decisions
When it comes to decision-making with our kids, some decisions are really hard to make.
Which curriculum should we choose? Should we do this extra-curricular activity? Should we sign up for Driver’s Ed this early, I mean she’s only sixteen?!?!
Facing the unknown takes guts. Facing subjects you don’t know, subjects that you didn’t learn in school or didn’t do well in, fear of failure, fear you can’t do it well enough, fear of technical things, fear of the homeschooling red tape, fear that your kids are missing out on things, fear that your kids won’t have any friends.
Don’t worry, I’ve dealt with them all.
My number one piece of advice for you is to, once again, take it to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him for wisdom and He will help you. He cares about your biggest question, along with the smallest one, and He wants you to ask Him to help you.
I promise. Your child will be just fine. I have faith in whatever decision you make.
Homeschooling Tip #3: Dreams
We all have dreams for our kids. We want them to be happy, make lots of money, love and serve God, and be great people.
Homeschooling is a wonderful way to open up the doors of study on a whole wide array of interesting opportunities.
Take the opportunities as they come, and make those dreams, of yours and theirs, come true.
Homeschooling Tip #4: Dozens of Duties
Moms usually wear all sorts of different hats. Homeschooling moms wear even more hats.
With those hats comes a lot of responsibilities and things that need to be done. As I’ve said before, be careful about scheduling too much into a week. Leave some white space on the calendar for the interruptions that most likely will occur.
Prioritize your demands and to-do lists to the best of your ability, and use the opportunities to teach your child how to prioritize and use their time wisely too.
Homeschool Tip #5: Delight Directed Education & Teaching
Chareen, from Every Bed of Roses has a very informative post on Delight Directed Education and one on Delight Directed Teaching.
I had never heard of this approach before, and I wish that I had.
This is not an unschooling approach, but seems to me to have some very good points to it.
I would encourage you to take a look at her two posts.
Read More A to Z Articles from Homeschool Bloggers
I would highly encourage you to click on the link below to read more A to Z articles from other great homeschool bloggers. The topics are all different, and I’m sure you’ll find something that will help you out.
Homeschool Blogging Through the Alphabet – the Letter D
Last week, some wonderful homeschool bloggers wrote really informative posts that revolved around the letter C. Their links are below.
Lego ABC’s: C is for Creator 3-in-1 by Our Homeschool Notebook
C is for Civil War books by A Mom’s Quest to Teach
Charlotte Mason a Round-Up of Posts by Every Bed of Roses
Aaron Copland – ABC’s of Composers by A Home Where Life Happens
Discovering the “C” Rabbits of the World, by At Home Pets
If you would like to read more Homeschooling Tips from A to Z, just click on the alphabet letter below.
Homeschool Tips – A
Homeschool Tips – B
Homeschool Tips – C
Homeschool Tips – D
Homeschool Tips – E
Homeschool Tips – F
Homeschool Tips – G
Homeschool Tips – H
Homeschool Tips – I
Homeschool Tips – J
Homeschool Tips – K
Homeschool Tips – L
Homeschool Tips – M
Dozens of duties is what tends to suck the life out of our homeschool! I have to get better about saying NO! 😉
I completely understand, Kristi. You’re not the only one!
We used to do delight-directed homeschool, and it was such a fun time for us. I do agree that we wear many hats as homeschool moms – it can get very overwhelming.
For sure! Thanks for commenting, Megan.
definitely…. duties and dreams… that’s what keeps us going isn’ t it?