I can’t believe we are on the last letter of the alphabet already. The weeks flew by for me.
I have really enjoyed getting to know the other homeschooling mom bloggers that participated in this Blogging Through the Alphabet series this year. They are full of information, expertise, and resources. I would encourage you to check out their site links below.
A big shout-out to Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook and Chareen at Every Bed of Roses for hosting the series. Thank you both for keeping the series going, and for staying on top of things especially at the back end of blog-hopping.
Ok, we don’t have much to cover this week. The letter Z is another hard one.
Homeschool Tip #1: Zoology
All of my kids loved to study animals as they were growing up. The animal science classes are a great way to introduce your kids to a wide variety of different species and could even get them interested in future careers with animals.
For example, my oldest daughter has shadowed different veterinarians on farm calls, assisted inside vet offices, and has been certified as a Certified Veterinarian Assistant.
She talks often of having a dog kennel business, dog grooming business, and a mini-cow breeding business. She’s going to be busy if all her dreams come true, isn’t she?
Agricultural Classes Through NDCDE
North Dakota Center for Distance Education (NDCDE) offers a wide variety of K-12 classes online. With their partnership with Nelson Academy of Agricultural Science, my kids have taken plenty of their Ag classes. I am not an affiliate for them, but I will share what my kids have taken, so you can see what they offer.
Animal Sciences from SchoolhouseTeachers.com
SchoolhouseTeachers.com (which I am an affiliate for) offers a list of animal classes for every grade.
- Wildlife Adventures (Grades 3-6)
- A World of Animals (Grades 3-4)
- All About Animals (Grades 1-2)
- Animal Science (Grades 8-12)
- Discovering Disgusting Creatures (Grades 3-6)
- God’s Beautiful Creatures (Grades K-12)
- Marine Biology (Grades 6-12)
- Red Wagon Marine Biology for High School (Grades 11-12)
- Weird and Wonderful World of Worms (Grades 3-5)
- Wonderful World of Bugs (Grades 2-7)
If you missed any of last weeks’ letter Y posts from other homeschool mom bloggers, just click on the post title.
Y is for Yellow: Lego ABC’s from Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook
YouTube Homeschooling by Chareen at Every Bed of Roses
Y is for Yahtzee by Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook
Yoshimatsu: Composer ABC’s by Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
Since we won’t have another post in this series next week, I will put this week’s letter Z posts here. You do not want to miss them.
Z is for Zone: Lego ABC’s from Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook
Thank you for joining us each week! It was such a joy to see what you shared and to learn some new tips for homeschooling. I am sad to see it end! Looks like your daughter has had some amazing experiences working with animals. It’s a great field to work in.
Thank you for commenting, Desiree. Thanks again for hosting the “hop” each week!