Homeschooling Tips That Start With K. Keepsakes, Keyboarding, Kindergarten
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Hi Friend, 
   Welcome back to our Blogging Through the Alphabet, Homeschooling Tips From A to Z series.

This week we are on the letter K. 

Homeschooling Tip #1: Keepsakes

Currently, two of my children have graduated from our homeschool. I don’t keep every piece of school work they’ve ever done, but I do consider some things too important to get rid of.

Here’s my list of stuff to keep:

Homeschooling tips that start with the letter K
  • Field trip pictures, pamphlets and information
  • Science experiment pictures
  • Art drawings, paintings, etc.
  • Writing assignments that were either really well done, and/or too funny or cute to throw away
  • Lapbooks
  • Sports pictures and statistics
  • Video and/or audio recordings of mastered instrumental pieces
  • Projects that are done on the computer such as movies, powerpoint presentations, and/or digital portfolios
  • Any of my child’s own photography pictures
  • Book lists, for the ones that enjoyed reading
  • Report cards

It is so nice to go back and look at this work. It makes me and my children smile, and brings back good memories and a feeling of accomplishment.

Homeschooling Tip #2: Keyboarding & Computer Skills

In my opinion, learning to type is a necessary skill, right up there with handwriting. 

So much is done digitally today, that being able to type accurately and quickly is very important. has 10 Keyboarding lessons that I wanted to share with you. I am a partner of theirs to help them promote their products, but I only promote products that I have used or would use myself. I receive a small commission if you purchase something through my link, but you won’t pay a penny more.

The Keyboarding Lessons go in order from learning good posture, the Home Row, the Top Row, Bottom Row, Shift Keys, and the Number Row. There are assessments along the way, and students are taught not to look at their hands while they type. Keyboarding course picture

I am so glad that I took typing in High School. Things were a lot different back then, with the paper you had to load in and the ribbon cartridge you had to insert, but I’m still glad I learned how to type correctly. 

Along with Keyboarding, SchoolhouseTeachers also has other computer classes that would be beneficial to kids and adults alike. They are: 

Homeschooling Tip #3: Kindergarten

I can remember being so anxious to get started homeschooling. I read everything about homeschooling that I could get my hands on. 

I read curriculum reviews and asked every person I knew that homeschooled, what curriculum they used.

With all the research I did, I really considered myself an expert. Poor Zachery. I forced that poor child to learn his ABC’s, and learn to write way too early.

I had so many school plans, goals, lesson plans, and lists that I am ashamed of myself. 

Well, live and learn.

Please, if you don’t take any other tip away from this blog post, please remember this one.


Homeschooling tips that start with the letter K

Little people learn best by playing and exploring.  Believe me, cramming information down their little throats doesn’t work. 

Let your child be your guide on when he is ready to write and read. As you go through your day and you are writing and reading stories to him, he’ll try it himself. That’s when you know that he’s ready for a little lesson. 

Please don’t think that a Kindergartener has to be on track and stay on track with their learning. All children learn differently and at different rates. Trust me, your kids will be fine. They will grow up to be competent adults. 

Just try to remember to have fun. Enjoy the moment with your little one. It goes by way too fast!

If you missed any of last week’s letter “J” posts from these other wonderful homeschool mom bloggers, just click on the colored words. They are very good, filled with a lot of great resources and information. 

Lego ABC’s: J is for Jurassic from Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook
Joy in your Homeschool Journey from Chareen at Every Bed of Roses
The “J” Rabbits of the World by Annette at At Home Pets
Joy in Listening to Books by Annette at A Net in Time
J is for Johnston from Kristen at A Mom’s Quest to Teach
Joplin and Janacek: Composer ABC’s from Lori at At Home Where Life Happens
New Mexico Bucket List – J: From Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
Texas Bucket List – J: From Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
A Few of our Favorite Books – J: From Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
J-Middle School Books From Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
J is for Joy at Home: From Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
J is for J’s Jewel Box From Lori at At Home: Where Life Happens
J is for Jenga from Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook
J is for Jelly Belly Factory from Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook
June and July from Megan at My Full Heart
J is for Joy from Laura McKinney Adams
J is for Johnston from Kirsten at A Mom’s Quest to Teach truck image for affiliate disclosure

If you would like to read more Homeschooling Tips from A to Z, just click on the alphabet letter below.

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  1. I too have the same regrets about Kindergarten and the early years. I wish I would have just read and played more. And definitely enjoyed the moments more!

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Ellen@HomeschoolingHighway says:

      Thanks for commenting, Desiree. I’m glad I’m not the only one!

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