God's Very Good Idea. Reviewed by Homeschooling HighwayPin
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I received this complimentary copy from The Good Book publishing company for my honest review.

God’s Very Good Idea is a toddler and preschool board book written by Trillia Newbell and it is illustrated by Catalina Echeverri.

The illustrations are bright and colorful. There are a lot of different faces to keep young children engaged in the book. The pictures lead nicely into pointing out the differences in people.

I would highly recommend this book. It’s a board book so it’s strong and sturdy. It will last many years.

God's Very Good Idea Inside Page. Book reviewed by Homeschooling HighwayPin
God's Very Good Idea Inside Page. Book reviewed by Homeschooling HighwayPin

The book highlights that God had a great idea to create men and women and that we are all different in many ways. We have different values and interests, yet we are to love God and love each other too.

This book would be a great addition to any Christian family’s library also perfect in a church nursery or Sunday school room.

About the Author

Trillia J. Newbell is a prominent voice on issues of faith, family, and diversity and has been widely published, including on numerous websites, such as Desiring God, Christianity Today, and the Gospel Coalition.

She is currently an acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers and previously worked for several years as the Director of Community Outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

Trillia lives near Nashville with her husband, Thern, and their children.

Trillia Newbell author of God's Very Good Idea. Book reviewed by Homeschooling HighwayPin

About The Good Book Publishing Company

The Good Book Company which is an international book publishing company was founded by Mr. Tim Thornborough.

Their aim is to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually. 

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