Many thanks to Pinnacle Peak for providing this product and product information for review. The opinions are 100% my own and have NOT been influenced by any monetary compensation. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.
Summary of God’s Not Dead: We the People
What would you do if there was an unkown, local, government official knocking at your front door, wanting to come in to observe your educational atmosphere and content?
Just like in this movie, some people would let them in. Unfortunately for the McKinnon family, the “evaluator” formed an opinion and decided to give notice that this family’s educational content was not appropriate and good enough.
Fighting to continue homeschooling their children, the McKinnon’s took legal action and stood before a local judge. Judge Neely decided to side with the “evaluator” and the parents were ordered to have their children placed in an “accredited educational institution”.
Now what would you do? Continue fighting for your homeschooling rights, or give in?
Mr. & Mrs. McKinnon were encouraged by Reverend Dave and other homeschooling families to continue fighting.
Reverend Dave even went to Washington D.C. with the group to speak at the Congressional Hearing.
But what do you think the real issues were?
It certainly wasn’t just homeschooling. That’s just an excuse for the government to get one more step closer to their real desires…. No religous freedom, No freedom of speech, No freedoms for parents.
The real issue is the existance of God Himself, and the impact that He has on our life. This will then affect how we serve God, nation, and our fellow man, including our children and their education.
God’s Not Dead: We the People. A Timely Story
Since the time when the United States was founded, there has never been a moment like this, where our freedoms are slipping away. Slowly… one by one.
But that’s only because we let it. Our children are not taught to appreciate our God, our nation, how our government works and our freedoms in general. They don’t understand the ramifications of a socialistic government. But I’m afraid, because of their own ignorance, that they will.
My Favorite Character in God’s Not Dead: We the People
There is a wide range of characters that have impactful roles in this film.
Three characters are from other countries. Through their stories we learn their desires to be close to their family despite religous differences and to see the United States’ history and government with fresh, new eyes.
Also, the close family bond in the McKinnon family is a real blessing to see portrayed on the big screen. One man married to one woman, both are believers in Jesus Christ, and want the freedom to teach their kids the way that they want to.
My favorite character, is Mrs. Hays. I won’t give you too much information about her, but she is entirely different in the middle and the end of the movie, than she is at the beginning.
She is a single mother, wanting to homeschool her son, who has emotional issues. Through the movie, we learn of the tremendous sacrifices that she has made, and the reasons behind her feelings as well as those of her son.
Should You and Your Kids Watch God’s Not Dead: We the People?
- This film is rated PG and I believe that’s because of a car accident scene. The car accident is big, close and loud. There is a possibility that it could be scary for little ones.
- This film inspires its viewers to fight for our freedoms, to appreciate our nation and to understand the religous principles that she was founded on.
- God’s Not Dead: We the People is number four in the God’s Not Dead series. This film can stand alone on its own, you do not need to see any of the previous movies to understand the story line.
- There is no foul language in this film.
- There is no nudity or inmodest clothing.
- There is no gun violence or person to person fighting in this film.
- For elementary age children and younger, they most likely won’t understand what is going on. It is mostly dialogue without a ton of action scenes. The vocabulary is deep and requires thought. This is an in-depth thinking movie.
One Final Thought on God’s Not Dead: We the People
God’s Not Dead: We the People reminds us that the government is here for “We the people”, not “We the people”, for the government. The government works for us, not the other way around. #GodsNotDeadMIN #GodsNotDeadWeThePeople #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
Get Your Tickets for God’s Not Dead: We the People
God’s Not Dead: We the People is only showing in select theaters on October 4, 5 & 6, of 2021.
Buy your tickets here at Fathom Events.
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