A book review of Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer. This book teaches kids that they can talk to God any time, anywhere, about anything.
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I received this complimentary product from the publisher for my honest review. 

Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer: A True Story of How You Can Talk With God was written by Laura Wifler, and illustrated by Catalina Echeverri.

Ms. Wifler has taken the topic of praying to God and made it easy for kids to understand and do. She includes examples from the Bible of people that were in hard situations and in unusual places, that prayed for unique things.

Then she applies those examples to children’s lives with possible examples of hard times that they may be going through, places where they can pray, and things that they can pray for.

A book review of Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer. This book teaches kids that they can talk to God any time, anywhere, about anything.
A book review of Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer. This book teaches kids that they can talk to God any time, anywhere, about anything.

I was so happy to see that Ms. Wifler explained clearly the reason why we need to pray and how it came to be. She explains the Gospel message in easy terms and it is very understandable.

The illustrations are very well done.

The pictures include examples of children that may have disabilities, problems and fears, yet they are still able to pray about anything. 

I would highly recommend this book for any elementary or middle school age Sunday School, private school classroom, or Christian homeschooling family. 

The hard back binding is well done and secure and the book will last a long time. 

With the easy to read phrases and plenty of illustrations, this will be a child favorite. 

More in the Series

Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer is part of the Tales That Tell The Truth series. 

Other books in the series are:

  • The Friend Who Forgives
  • God’s Very Good Idea
  • The Garden, The Curtain, and the Cross
  • Jesus and the Lion’s Den
  • Prisoners, Earthquake and the Midnight Song
  • Goodbye to Goodbyes
  • The Storm That Stopped
  • Jesus and the Very Big Surprise
  • The Christmas Promise
  • The God Contest
  • The One O’Clock Miracle

About the Author, Laura Wifler

Laura is the co-founder of Risen Motherhood, a ministry and community that exists to encourage, equip, and challenge moms to apply the gospel to their everyday lives.

Laura Wifler, author of Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer

About The Good Book Publishing Company

The Good Book Company which is an international book publishing company was founded by Mr. Tim Thornborough.

Their aim is to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually. 

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