Homeschool Review Crew Blog Post Challenge Turning the Page into 2021Pin

Looking Back, but not for Long

Looking back on 2020 sure was a year of challenges and change, wasn’t it?

I never in my life thought that I would be wearing a mask all the time out in public. I never dreamed of not being able to go inside a sit-down restaurant and eat. I never would have believed that churches would have to close their doors and congregations would have to distance themselves from one another upon reopening. 

Future Forethoughts

In my personal opinion, I don’t believe that our lives will ever be like they were back in 2019. 

Because of the new normal and the sinful world that we live in, people are going to rely on the government and its devices to “save” them from the worries that continually surround them. 

I believe that people will look more to their government officials for help than they will to God.


Homeschool Review Crew Blog Post Challenge Turning the PagePin

Present Day Possibilities

Homeschool Review Crew Blog Challenge Turning the PagePin

It is our responsibility as Christian parents to stand strong and to constantly remind ourselves and our children that God is in full control.

No matter who is the president, no matter what they hear through mainstream media, God knows about it, He has allowed it for this time in our lives, and He understands exactly how we feel.

The Bible says in Ephesians 5: 16, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Now is the time to rely on God, to turn back to Him, and to realize that He is our Savior. 

Turn the Pages of the Bible in 2021

You may agree with me and desire for you and your family to be closer to God in 2021. But you may also be fearful about it, and not know where to start. 

Don’t worry. Here is the first, free workbook in my Bible Basics series. It helps children (and adults) understand how the books in the Bible are laid out and arranged.

The second, free workbook in the series takes you on a journey through the Bible, following the Israelites. We look at books of the Bible chronologically and see the big picture of God’s people in the Bible. 

Number three is coming soon, you won’t want to miss it. It’s all about trying to understand the Trinity, starting with Who is God?

Through these studies, you and your children will learn about the Bible and about God as well. You will be “redeeming the time”.

Homeschool Review Crew Blog Post Challenge Turning the PagePin

Click on the Image to get More Information

Bible Basics: The Bible's LayoutPin

Follow God's people through the Bible with this easy to read workbook.Pin

Another Helpful Freebie

Free, printable Bible study method for kids worksheetPin

If you already have your Bible lessons prepared for your children, here is a helpful “must-have” to reinforce what they read in God’s Word.

It’s really easy for kids to use. If you would like more information about it, just click on the picture.

If you need any help or have any questions just let me know. I love hearing from my readers!

Go and Grow in God this coming year! 

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