Moms best homeschooling resourcePin

As a homeschooling mom, I have never made a reading list for myself.  Maybe I should have, but I never have. 

Pleasant reading time for me is far and few between, but as my children have grown up, I have enjoyed reading children’s novels to them.

Most of what I read to them were my own childhood treasures. Mysteries were my favorite, especially The Three Investigator Series, which unfortunately now is out-of-print. 

Mysteries are still my most popular genre, and when I take the time to enjoy a great book, my go-to author, is by far, Christy Barritt.  All of her books and series are superb. Being inspirational fiction, without any filthy language or gruesome descriptions, I would recommend Barritt’s books to everyone. 

The most important books to read for momsPin

I think it is good for homeschooling moms to enjoy their own personal times, but by far, the most important book to read is the Bible. 

Along with a few other chapters from another book in the Bible, I like to add in a chapter from the book of Proverbs.  God made Proverbs perfectly lined up with our calendar. 

Having thirty-one chapters, I read the chapter number that corresponds to the day of the month.  So if it’s the sixth of July, I’ll read the sixth chapter in Proverbs. 

There is always something new that God shows me, and I realize that this wisdom is so important for me and my family. 

Homeschooling and managing a home is hard work, but I would encourage you to take the time to enjoy a good fictional story, but also to enjoy His story as well. 

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