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I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. 


Being part of the Homeschool Review Crew, I had the privilege to use and review CTCMath.

This online, full math curriculum can be found at www.ctcmath.com

CTcMath Curriculum Review

CTCMath is for any student, from Kindergarten to 12th grade. All math topics are covered from the very basics up through Calculus. 

When you purchase CTCMath, they will give you the information you need to create your account. 

Once signed in, you can create your student account. Your child will need a login name and a password. 

On the parent dashboard, you have access to your child’s recent activity, awards that have been given, parent acount access and student profile access.

In the footer you have access to four levels of speed skill drills,  a times tables game called Shoot -em up, and then a tricky puzzle game called Swap Pieces. 

Shoot em Up Game screen on CTCMath
Shoot Em Up game screen on CTCMath
Direction page for Swap Pieces on CTCMath
Swap Pieces game on CTCMath

You can browse lessons as well, on your parent dashboard. Every grade is broken down into its own section, which then gives you options on specific topics for that grade. 

For Kindergarten to fifth grade, the topics cover lessons on numbers, patterns, algebra, measurement, space & geometry and statistics & probability. 

CTCMath Lesson list

Junior High and Middle School grades cover basic math & Pre-Algebra, Elementary measurement and Elementary Geometry.

For the High School grades there is Algebra  I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus including Trigonometry and Calculus.

Assessment screen from a diagnostic test on CTCMath
Screen picture of a math problem on CTCMath
Homeschool Curriculum Review of CTCMath

At the top of each lesson there are three diagnostic test options that you can choose from if you feel like extra practice is needed. 

The three choices are:
     Short test is 20 questions
     Standard test is 30 questions
     Comprehensive is 40 questions

The questions consists of filling in the blanks and drag and drop. Multiple choice options are given at times. 

When the test is completed, you can save the results in pdf format, print them, or you have the option to start the test over. 

The report at the end, gives you the date, score, the name of the test, how long it took to take the test, and then it lists each question and answer with each problem either marked correct or wrong. If the child got the answer wrong, the correct answer is given. 

Since these three tests are labeled diagnostic, I was surprised that I didn’t see any kind of information about what the child needed to work on more, or if the child could move on to the next level. 

Each lesson consists of a ten minute or less video, where you hear the teacher speaking, and you see the numbers, graphs and examples show up on the screen. 

Screen shot of a math lesson from CTCMath
Homeschool Curriculum Review of CTCMath
Worksheet example from CTCMath

At the end of each lesson is a printable worksheet that can be used. 

The answers are at the bottom of the sheet.

CTCMath e-mails a weekly report to the parent with the past week’s information. It consists of lessons that were completed, scores, etc.

Concluding Thoughts of CTCMath


  • Thorough
  • Easy to Understand
  • Easily Accessible 
  • Interactive
  • Fun Games & Drills
  • Keeps Parents in the Know
  • Short lessons


  • I would’ve liked to have seen more information given after a diagnostic test is taken, not just the date and score.

Follow CTCMath on Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ctcmath
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctcmathofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ctcmath
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/ctcmath/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWn5e6974bpIEAe46VnovZw

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