Stories about Jesus by Steph Williams Book reviewed by Homeschooling HighwayPin
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I received a complimentary copy of Stories About Jesus for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Stories about Jesus by Steph Williams is a compilation of eight of her stories.

The book is hardcover and the pages inside are glossy, bright and colorful. This book will be able to take a lot of wear and tear through many years of use.

Each of the eight stories are based on stories from the Bible and they are written clearly and understandably for even the youngest of listeners. The illustrations are really fun to look at and will keep children engaged as they will want to continue turning pages.

This is a fairly large book that contains a nice orange ribbon to mark your place as you read to your child each day.

Older readers will gain extra insights and information about Jesus in each of the “Notes for Older Readers” sections between each story.

The gospel message is clearly presented within each story and children will be introduced to the biblical lessons and doctrinal concepts with each reading.

The first story is called The House That Went Splat. It is based on the parable that Jesus spoke of where we can choose to build our house on either the Rock or the sand.

The second story is called The Boy Who Shared His Sandwich and teaches us about Jesus feeding the 5000 people.

An inside look at the children's book by Steph Williams called The Little Man Whose Heart Grew Big, based on the true story of Zacchaeus in the Bible.Pin

Story number three is called The Best Thing to Do and tells us of Martha and Mary when Jesus came to visit them.

Number four is called, How can I Pray?. And this story tells of the parable that Jesus spoke of when He was teaching His disciples to pray.

Story number five is called, The Dad Who Never Gave Up. This story is also one of Jesus’s parables and is about the prodigal son.

Number six is called, Never Too Little and is about Jesus’s teaching on letting the little children come to Him.

Story number seven is called, The Man Who Would Not Be Quiet and is about the blind man, Bartimaeus, wanting to see Jesus.

Inside look at the book, "The Dad Who Never Gave Up" by Steph Williams. This book review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

The last story is called, The Easter Fix and tells about Jesus’s resurrection.

I would highly recommend this book, Stories About Jesus, to any Christian family who has children in the pre-primary and elementary age group.

This book would also be great in a Sunday school room or children’s church classroom and would be nice in a church library.

Homeschooling moms could use this book with their young elementary children as a starting off point for studying Jesus’s parables and/or events in Jesus’s life. The slightly older child could do additional study activities or more in-depth reading on each of the story topics.

About the Author

Stephanie Williams is a writer and illustrator, as well as working as a graphic designer and artistic director for graphic design agency Tiger Finch Creatives, which she founded with her husband, Daniel.

She lives with Daniel and their three extremely mischievous little boys in Reading, UK.

Steph Williams author of The Dad Who Never Gave Up. This children's book review is written by HomeschoolingHighwa.comPin

She loves philosophy and apologetics, and enjoys putting the Bible into everyday language through stories, articles, or quirky animations for social media.

She grew up in Asia and loves being part of international projects around the world through her graphic design work.

In her spare time she enjoys helping out at school and assisting the boys with their weird and wonderful artistic creations.

More Books by Steph Williams

You’ll want to read my reviews of these two books by Steph Williams too.

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