Seek and Find: New Testament Bible Stories. A Children's Book Review by Homeschooling HighwayPin
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I received this complimentary product through The Good Book Publishing Company. 

All About Seek and Find

Seek and Find: New Testament Bible Stories is written by Sarah Parker and illustrated by Andre Parker.

My kids and I love to search for items within hidden pictures or even while doing jigsaw puzzles. This sturdy board book geared for elementary-age children is fun, engaging, and educational.

Your kids will pull this book from your bookshelf time and time again. With over 450 objects to find, they will have hours of fun finding each item inside of the detailed, colorful, bright, and comically cute illustrations. 

Sarah Parker, Author of Seek and Find New Testament Bible Stories. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin
Sarah Parker, Author of Seek and Find New Testament Bible Stories. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Objects to search for include finding a certain amount of some items. For example, you may have to find 5 eggs on the page.

This is a great way to get that extra counting practice too. 

Items to find are not just listed in a simple list. Each item to find has a picture to go along with it, so you and your child know exactly what to look for. This helps a lot because some of the items can be tricky!

All About the Bible Story List and Themes

Each New Testament Bible story includes the Bible reference in case you need to reference something. 

Also, each story includes a theme.

  • Baby Jesus is Born
    • Jesus is God’s Perfect Son
  • Jesus in the Temple Court
    • Jesus is the Wisest Person Ever
  • A Paralysed Man is Healed
    • Jesus Can Forgive Us
  • Jesus Calms a Storm
    • We Can Always Trust Jesus
  • Jesus Loves Little Children
    • You are Special and Important to Jesus
  • Zacchaeus Meets Jesus
    • Jesus Can Change Your Heart
  • The Special Meal
    • Jesus Died for Us
  • Jesus is Alive
    • Jesus is Alive Forever
Sarah Parker, Author of Seek and Find New Testament Bible Stories. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Each Bible story text is easy to read and understand. There is no hard vocabulary for little children to try to understand.

I appreciate that Ms. Parker has made the gospel message of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection so clear. It’s never too early to introduce children to their Savior. 

All About the Author

Sarah Parker, Author of Seek and Find New Testament Bible Stories. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Sarah Parker is a writer, illustrator and designer living in London with her husband André and four cheeky children. The family are part of Trinity Road Chapel in Wandsworth. Sarah likes to enjoy the simple things in life: being surrounded by good friends, building fires, swimming in the sea and wild camping.

All About The Good Book Publishing Company

The Good Book Company, an international book publishing company, was founded in 1991 by Tim Thornborough.  Their aim is to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually. 

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