Joshua and the Very Strong City written by Tim Thornborough. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

I received a complimentary copy of Joshua and the Very Strong City from The Good Book company for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

If you want to get your little one excited about reading time, then you have to read the newest book in Tim Thornborough’s The Very Best Bible Stories series.

Your child’s excitement and anticipation will shine through as you read and act out the battle of Jericho together in Joshua and the Very Strong City.

Just try to stop yourself from tromping and stomping along with the soldiers as they march around Jericho each day.

Is it time to blow your trumpet? Not yet. Be ready for the moment.

Joshua and the Very Strong City written by Tim Thornborough. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

What a delight to read and act out. This book will provide opportunities to create many wonderful memories for years to come.

I really like Jennifer Davison’s illustrations. They are so cute, and toddlers will enjoy studying the little faces with their emotions.

The font type in the book naturally encourages the reader to portray the emotions and accompanying actions as they read.

Joshua and the Very Strong City written by Tim Thornborough. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Another engaging activity is the counting as the soldiers tromp and stomp around the city during the battle of Jericho.

This book is recommended for ages 2-4. The book has a hard cover and the pages inside are bright and glossy.

This is one of the best toddler books that I have had the privilege to review. I highly recommend it.

Joshua and the Very Strong City written by Tim Thornborough. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Homeschooling families can get their children off to a great start by introducing Bible stories to their young’uns with this story and the entire set.

Also, Sunday school or children church teachers can use this book for a pre-made, hands-on lesson as they act out the story marching around the classroom.

Excellent job, Mr. Thornborough. Very well done.

Read More of Tim Thornborough’s Book Reviews

I have had the privilege to review two other books in Mr. Thornborough’s The Very Best Bible Stories series. Click on a picture to read the review.

The Very Best Bible Stories: The Complete List

  • God’s Very Colorful Creation
  • Esther and the Very Brave Plan
  • A Very Noisy Christmas
  • Jonah and the Very Big Fish
  • Moses and the Very Big Rescue
  • Daniel and the Very Hungry Lions
  • Noah and the Very Big Boat
  • David and the Very Big Giant
  • Deborah and the Very Big Battle
  • A Very Happy Easter
  • Joshua and the Very Strong City
  • Joseph and the Very Strange Dreams

About the Author

Tim Thornborough is the founder and Publishing Director of The Good Book Company.

He is series editor of Explore Bible-reading notes, the author of The Very Best Bible Stories series, and has contributed to many books published by The Good Book Company and others.

Tim is married to Kathy, and they have three adult daughters.

Tim Thornborough Author of Esther and the Very Brave PlanPin

About The Good Book Company

The Good Book Company which is an international book publishing company was founded by Mr. Tim

Their aim is to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually.

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