Grace Bible for Kids. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.com3Pin
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 Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Who would have ever thought that placing colored overlays on top of a page would help a dyslexic child be able to read better?

Grace Bible for Kids from Holmann Publishing. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

I don’t know the science behind it, but I remember being in my twenties and my friend’s daughter was suffering from dyslexia. I remember she told me that the therapists were using colored overlays on top of the pages that her daughter was reading, and they were seeing some improvement.

We work so hard to translate God’s Word into different languages and dialects. Audio versions are readily available in many formats. Do you want to listen to a dramatized version or plain reading? Want an app? We’ve got hundreds of them, and they’ll even keep your bookmarked pages, notes, and offer you a reading plan.

None of the above are wrong by any means, so my heart is happy to hear of another variation that Holman Bible Publishing company has created. It’s a “Dyslexia Friendly” Christian Standard Bible called Grace Bible for Kids. Five stars to you, Holman, for seeing a need and filling it.

Grace Bible for Kids. Designed for children with dyslexia and other reading disorders. Reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

What Makes the Grace Bible for Kids “Dyslexia Friendly”?

Font and Formatting

There are quite a few design elements that will help struggling readers.

First is the spacing and formatting on each page. There is plenty of space between paragraphs and even between the letters in words. The font size makes it easy to distinguish each individual letter shape.

Jesus’ words are not typed in red. At first, I didn’t care for this, but as I’ve been thinking about it, it makes sense. A child that is struggling to read shouldn’t have to deal with the stress of switching font colors.

If they’re getting their page all set up with the correct colored overlay that their brain needs for black typing, then we don’t need to make things harder by throwing red type onto their pages and messing up the colored overlay.

Chapter headings in the Grace Bible for Kids. Bible reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Just having one font color, black, will make it easier for your child’s brain to concentrate and learn more easily.


The books of the Bible names and chapter numbers are not at the top of the page. I didn’t like this at first either, but I get it now.

As your child learns to read, they always start at the top left of the page. If the sentence wasn’t completed before they turned the page, then why shouldn’t the sentence just continue right at the top?

No child should have to figure out if they need to read the book name every time at the top of the page. They can easily find the book name and chapter number located at the bottom of the page.

If the sentence is finished and the thought has concluded, then they will know that they don’t have to read “Genesis” at the bottom of every Genesis page.

Colored Overlays

The colored overlays are a big part of this dyslexia friendly Bible. Holman provides ten different colored transparent pieces of sturdy plastic for the kids to lay over the Bible pages.

I think that even if a child does not have dyslexia that kids would have fun reading through the different color sheets.

The only problem I see with the overlays is that your fingerprints stay on them. I guess if you teach your child to only touch the edges then they will keep nice and be able to see through them clearly, but it may be difficult.

The Grace Bible for Kids comes inside of a sleeve type cardboard cover. Inside of the back cover is a built-in pocket for the overlays to stay in. This is a great idea for packaging and shipping, but if your child doesn’t keep the cover with their Bible then the overlays won’t be available to them.

Grace Bible for Kids. Designed for children with dyslexia and other reading disorders. Reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

I wish that Holman would have put a pocket inside the front cover of the Bible. Even if they would have had to make the overlays smaller, the overlays would have a better chance of staying with the Bible.

The Grace Bible for Kids features plenty of tips and helpful advice in using the overlays. What color should you start with? Should you use one color or two or more? How do you know if anything is helping your child? The tip pages will help answer a lot of your questions.

Additional Helps in the Grace Bible for Kids

Spiritual Growth

Most kids do not know how to study their Bibles. I was really happy to see informative pages on how to study the Bible, Bible skills to master, having quiet time with God, and reference lists for quick access when a child needs help.

Grace Bible for Kids from Holmann Publishing. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

Charts, Lists, and Timelines

The Grace Bible for Kids contains a good bit of extra information in the form of charts, lists, and timelines. I always love looking at these types of compilations. Sometimes it really helps when looking at a large topic.

Grace Bible for Kids from Holmann Publishing. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin


Plenty of colorful maps are located in the back of the Grace Bible for Kids. They are really detailed and full of information.

Grace Bible for Kids from Holmann Publishing. Review written by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

My Recommendations

I would highly recommend the Grace Bible for Kids to any Christian family that has a struggling reader in the family. I also think this would be a great addition to keep in any Sunday school, children’s church room, or church library for any visitor that may need some additional help.

You can click on the link to order your copy of the Grace Bible for Kids or you can enter the giveaway below to see if you win a free copy.

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