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My youngest child is going into the eleventh grade and it’s time we start looking into and planning some elective classes into her last two school years.
I always enjoyed my elective classes when I was in public school. I knew that I wanted to go to nursing school so my electives ended up to be prerequisites for nursing classes in the future.
Unfortunately, some kids don’t know what kind of career path they want to follow and that makes choosing electives a little bit harder.
Fortunately, there are career exploration type classes that count as electives. This is a great way for your child to get a feel for different jobs that they might be interested in.
What Classes Count as Electives?
When you choose electives WITH your child, the objective is to have them learn skills and information around topics that they are passionate about and interested in.
A common question that some homeschooling parents have is, “What counts as an elective?”
The first way to answer this question is to look at your state laws and then look at your oversight group’s policies. (If you have to have an oversight group.)
If there is a required amount of credits that are needed to graduate in the core subject areas, then you should get those credits first. Sometimes the laws may even specify particular classes in those core subjects that are required. These required classes are not electives.
For example, suppose you need four credits or four years of math classes. Your child takes Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus. If your child loves math and wants to pursue a career that requires higher level math skills, then Trigonometry and Calculus would then be extra math classes that you could count as electives.
Same goes with science. If your required or basic science classes are: General Science, Physical Science, Biology, and Chemistry, then your electives could be Astronomy, Computer Science, Anatomy & Physiology, etc.
Below are class ideas that can be counted as electives. I’ve tried to group them according to subject area, but some classes may fall into more than one area, so make sure you look through all of the lists to see if what you’re interested in is listed.
By no means is this every elective class available. I came up with this list from my oversight group’s list, SchoolhouseTeachers.com‘s elective list, and the offerings from North Dakota’s Center for Distance Education (NDCDE).
I’m not an affiliate for NDCDE, but I will tell you that my daughter took all the Veterinary Assistant and Animal Science classes. My niece took an agriculture class, and my nephew just finished the welding class. They are worth looking into especially if your child is interested in agriculture.
If you want all of your children’s classes to be on one site, check out everything that SchoolhouseTeachers has to offer in my post: Everything You Need to Homeschool Successfully with SchoolhouseTeachers.com.
- Bible Bee
- Apologetics
- Creation Apologetics
- Introduction to Theology
- Missional Living and Discipleship
- Philosophy and Ethics
Business Classes
- Entrepreneurship
- Business Law
- Business Management
- Consumer Education
- Marketing
- Farm Business Management
Fine Arts
- Theatre
- Dance
- Musical Instruments
- Music Appreciation
- Basic Drawing
- Beginning Painting
- Cartooning
- Art History
- 2D Studio Art
- Drafting
- Art in World Cultures
- Digital Art and Design
- Digital Photography
- Graphic Design
- Game Design
- Creative Stitchery
- Textiles
Foreign Language Electives
Any Foreign Language
Sign Language
Health Career Electives
- Allied Health Assistant
- Dental Assistant
- Health Careers
- Health Science
- Introduction to Nursing
- Medical Terminology
Language Arts
- Introduction to Fiction Writing
- Creative Writing
- Screenwriting
- Journalism
- Poetry
- Speech and Debate
- Critical Thinking/Logic
- Yearbook
- Introduction to Literature
Life Skills
- First Aid/CPR/Safety
- Plumbing
- Sewing
- Personal Finance
- Personal Safety
- Drivers Ed
- Gun Safety
- Hunters Safety Course
- Accounting
- Consumer Math
- Precalculus
- Calculus
- Trigonometry
Outdoor Electives
- Nature Studies
- Introduction to Forestry and Natural Resources
- 4-H
- Agriculture
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Careers
- Animal Science (beef, poultry, swine)
- Equine Science
- Horsemanship
- Pet & Animal Care
- Outdoor Explorations
- Crop Science
- Greenhouse Technology
- Horticulture
- Herbology
- Gardening
- Plant Science
- Beekeeping
- Veterinary Assistant
- Veterinary Science
- Wilderness Survival Skills
- Introduction to Renewable Technologies
Physical Education Electives
- Group Sport
- Individual Sport
- Advanced Physical Education
- Introduction to Coaching
- Sports Officiating
- Fitness Fundamentals
- Exercise Science
- Walking Fitness
- Running
- Health & Wellness
- Drugs & Alcohol
- Weightlifting/Strength Training
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Science Electives
- Architecture
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Alternate Energy Sources
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Forensic Science
- Human Development
- Early Childhood Education
- Fire Science
- Genetics
- Production Technology
- Marine Biology
- Veterinary Science
- Robotics
- Meteorology
- Engineering
- Stop Motion
- Marine Science
- Physical Science
- Physics
Social Studies Electives
- Worldview Studies
- Archeology
- Biblical Archeology
- Geography
- Psychology
- Personal Psychology
- World Religions
- Cultures of the World
- Economics
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Social Media
- Current Events
- Sociology
- Social Problems
- Women in History
- Myths & Legends
- Church History
- Criminal Justice
- Real Estate
- African American History
- American History
- Anthropology
- Criminology
- Economics with Financial Literacy
- History of the Holocaust
- Human Geography
- Law and Order: Intro to Legal Studies
- Constitutional Law
- US Government
- World History
Society Electives
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Public Speaking
- Volunteering
- Leadership
- Family Living & Healthy Relationships
- Real World Parenting
Other Types of Electives:
- Test Preparation Classes
- Workplace & Internship Readiness
Can you think of any other electives to add to the list? Just let me know in the comments. Thank you!
Last Week’s Letter “D” Articles
Did you miss any of last week’s “D” articles? If so, just click on the title listed below.
Megan from My Full Heart: Daily notebooks
Kristi from Bailey’s Homeschool Adventures: Ideas to Help Your Dyslexic Child
Kristen from A Mom’s Quest to Teach: D is for Disease During the American Civil War
Dawn from The Schoolin’ Swag Blog: D is for Danny and Daisy Dolphin
Dawn from The Schoolin’ Swag Blog: The Letter D Preschool Activities
Laura McKinney Adams: 4 Characteristics of a Successful Homeschooler That Start with the Letter D
Homeschooling Highway: Animated Bible Stories. Donkey Ollie
Homeschooling Highway: Homeschooling Tips that Start With the Letter D
booҝmarked!!, I like your sіte!
Thank you!
There are so many great ideas for electives. With homeschooling it is so easy to pick courses that our children are interested in. I remember having to give up courses in high school because they didn’t fit my schedule.
That’s right, me too! Thanks for commenting, Kristen.
WOW! This is a great list of electives! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Kristi.