The Adventum: Biblical Audio Dramas. Reviewed by Homeschooling Highway
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I received this complimentary product from the Homeschool Review Crew.

Being part of the Homeschool Review Crew, my family and I have had the opportunity to listen to The Adventum, Volume 1.

The Adventum is dramatized audio Bible stories. These aren’t your basic little Bible stories for preschoolers. These are “DRAMATIZED”.

What is Biblical Audio Drama?

Let me expain. There’s different voices for each person in the story, there’s emotion, there’s background music, there’s sound effects, and there’s background noises to make the Bible story come to life.

The stories are not read word for word from the Bible. There’s dialogue added in to add realism.

With the voices, sound effects, music and dialogue, your imagination comes to life making what you hear very much real.

For example, the story of Lot and God’s punishment on Sodom and Gomorrah, the music is suspenseful, you can hear Lot and his family running from the city.

They are out of breath, and they don’t know exactly what is happening. Then fire comes from heaven, there’s shouting, Lot’s family is warned not to look back, but Lot’s wife does.

She is in agony; she has to see what is happening. She turns and you can hear her voice changing and melting away as your imagination pictures her body turning into a pillar of salt.

It’s deep, it’s spellbinding, it’s captivating and the family loved it.

We listened to it in the car mostly, but we did listen to it occasionally while we were eating dinner together.

More Information about The Adventum

We received The Adventum, Volume 1 with the downloadable mp3 files, but you can also order CD’s if that is your preference.

Currently, The Adventum consists of five volumes. The fifth is available for pre-order.

From volume 1 to 5, The Adventum covers Creation to the Judges and Ruth.

My Recommendations for Using The Adventum

I would highly recommend The Adventum to any Christian family, and it would also be beneficial for any Sunday school, children’s church class, or any youth group devotional or Bible study.

Homeschool families that want to use The Adventum could listen to each story and then do notebooking pages, timeline activities, or do some map marking.

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Discounted Price for The Adventum, Volume 1

The Adventum company currently has volume 1 discounted by 50% on the website. When you check out, US buyers can also get free shipping with this code: advcrew22

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If you would like to hear more about The Adventum, Volume 1 then click on the banner image below.

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