Who am I and Why Do I Matter. Book Review by Homeschooling Highway
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I received this complimentary product through the publishing company for my honest review.

Do you remember being a teenager? Do you remember any feelings of not being good enough to be with the popular people, or maybe you felt like you weren’t good at anything? I know I did. Being a teenager is even harder today.

Social media posts and images, the numbers of likes and followers to your profiles, these now add to the pressures of our kids today.

The pressures in school, sports and other extracurricular activities continue to increase, also, with bullies, gender identity issues, homosexuality, school and community safety.

Kids show blatant disrespect for teachers, parents and rules, causing our own kids to question, doubt, and even hate themselves.

Chris Morphew is the author of “Who am I and Why Do I Matter?”, published by The Good Book Company.

Mr. Morphew does an excellent job of relating to teenagers with his conversational, easy-to-read style. He proposes a lot of good questions that teens ask today, and he answers these questions with a simple plan.

The gospel is clearly explained and emphasized throughout the book, and Mr. Morphew continually uses God’s Word to back up his answers to the kids’ questions.

As kids read, learn, and implement the advice in “Who am I and Why Do I Matter?”, they will know:
What does not give us self-worth
Who to look to for love and freedom
How God has proven that He loves each of us individually
How to live each day with Jesus

I would highly recommend “Who am I and Why Do I Matter?” to any teenager, parent of a teenager, pastor, youth pastor, and/or teen Sunday school class.

More in the Series

Who am I and Why Do I Matter? is part of the Big Questions series. Other books in the series are:
Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?
What Happens When We Die?
How Do We Know Christianity is Really True?

About the Author

Chris Morphew is an author, teacher, and school chaplain living in Sydney, Australia. He has written over 20 novels for children and youth, including his six-book young adult series, The Phoenix Files.

Chris Morphew, author of Who am I and Why Do I Matter? A book review by Homeschooling Highway

About the Publisher

The Good Book Company, an international book publishing company, was found in 1991 by Tim Thornborough.  Their aim is to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually. 

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