Two small children sitting and reading a book
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Are you ready to begin teaching your 4-6 year old child to start to read?

Finding curriculum that is easy to use, fun for you both, and has a great system is no easy task.

With Ready for Reading, Level One by Jen Merckling,  your search is over.

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Jen has done an excellent job in creating a course that meets all the expectations that I look for when I search for curriculum for my own kids.

Ready for Reading, Level One helps you to teach your child to recognize and name all the letters of the alphabet, recognize all of the initial consonant and short vowel sounds, and master twenty sight words.

This colorful, 240 page curriculum gives you all the lesson plans, worksheets, readers, games, ideas, helpful hints, teaching tips, flashcards, recording sheets, and encouragement that you will need to be successful and organized.

From one homeschool mom to another, Jen knows exactly what you need and she really delivers.

Each week of lesson plans is broken down into four daily plans. One alphabet letter per week is learned, plus review.

Jen’s Unique Approach to Learning the ABC’s

Instead of learning the alphabet in alphabetical order, Jen has creatively fashioned the list in a way that your child will learn the most-used letters first.  In this way, blending consonants and short vowel words together will happen earlier.

Each daily lesson through the week builds upon the previous, as review, games, worksheets and creative ideas and tips are given for you and your child’s success.

No Need to Guess What to Do Next

There is no need to guess what you need to do.
The lesson plans are simple to use and the worksheets, readers, and game idea lists are easy to find. 

You will find that beginning phonics awareness can be fun and easy at the same time.

I highly recommend Jen Mercklings
Ready for Reading, Level One. truck image for affiliate disclosure

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  1. This looks like a fun curriculum. I love the fact that it doesn’t start with the letters A, B, C but with the letters used most often. A great way to learn the alphabet.

    1. Ellen@HomeschoolingHighway says:

      Yes, it really is smart. Thanks for commenting, Kristen.

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