Jesus Moments: David written by Alison Mitchell. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin
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I received a complimentary copy of this book from The Good Book Company for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Only a boy named David, only a little sling…

Do you remember that Bible story song from Sunday school class?

I always enjoyed trying to get my arm to go in circles really fast when David’s sling went “round and round”.

Today, kids will enjoy looking at this book from Alison Mitchell, Jesus Moments: Finding Jesus in the Life of David.

Jesus Moments. David. Written by Alison Mitchell. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

The story starts with Samuel finding David and anointing him with oil to be the next king. David’s life was filled with trials and problems, but God still used him and said that David was a man after God’s own heart.

The illustrations are well done and eye-catching. Hiding amongst the illustrations are crowns that the child is to be on the lookout for. These crowns signifies that here is a moment in David’s life where he exemplifies Jesus Christ.

This is an excellent way to share and teach children about Jesus while learning about an Old Testament person. Well done, to Alison Mitchell, for this great idea.

When I read through this book the first time, I didn’t see any crowns. I am so glad for the answers after the story.

Once I knew where the crowns were I could see them easily. Kids won’t have any trouble finding them.

Jesus Moments. David. Written by Alison Mitchell. Book reviewed by HomeschoolingHighway.comPin

An explanation about each Jesus moment is given at the end of the book. Also, the gospel message is given at the end for adult readers.

I would highly recommend Jesus Moments: David to any Christian family as well as any Sunday school or children’s church classroom.

About the Author

Alison Mitchell is a senior editor at The Good Book Company, where she has worked on a range of products including Bible-reading notes for children and families, and the Christianity Explored range of resources.

She is the best-selling author of The Christmas Promise and the award-winning Jesus and the Lions’ Den.

Alison Mitchell Author of Jesus Moments. DavidPin

About the Publisher

The Good Book Company which is an international book publishing company was founded by Mr. Tim Thornborough.

They aim to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually. 

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