Jesus Daily Bible from Holman Publishing. Reviewed by Homeschooling Highway.
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Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Holman Publishers has put together a new Bible in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation called the Jesus Daily Bible.

The Jesus Daily Bible points out Jesus on every page, inside of every reading, and draws every reader closer to Him.

An undated reading plan guides you through the entire Bible in a year. Each week’s assignment starts with an introductory summary page that defines the characteristic or attribute that Jesus portrays in the week’s readings.

Some of the attributes and characteristics are:

  • Christ our Atoning Sacrifice
  • Christ our Merciful Healer
  • Christ our Great Prophet
  • Christ our Conquering Warrior
The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by
The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by
  • Christ our New Covenant and Merciful Portion
  • Christ our Faithful Companion
  • Christ our Good Shepherd
  • Christ our Kingdom Conqueror
  • Christ our Redeeming Husband
  • Christ our Shepherd King
  • Christ our Final Glory
  • Christ our Solid Rock
  • Christ our Promised Messiah
  • Christ our Servant Redeemer
  • Christ our Seeking Savior
  • Christ our Divine Son
  • Christ our Church Creator
  • Christ our Church Sanctifier
  • Christ our Righteous Justifier
  • Christ our Resurrected Victor
  • Christ our Merciful Reconciler
  • Christ our Gracious Substitute
The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by
  • Christ, Our Righteous Judge and Family Redeemer
  • Christ our Faithful Champion
  • Christ our Compassionate King
  • Christ our Gentle Presence
  • Christ our Covenant Protector
  • Christ our Forever King
  • Christ our Glorious Temple
  • Christ our Priest and Intercessor
  • Christ our Living Redeemer
  • Christ our Innocent Sufferer
  • Christ our Crucified King
  • Christ our Living Temple
  • Christ our Victorious Priest-King
  • Christ our Wise Counselor
  • Christ our Good Life and Jealous Bridegroom
  • Christ our Mighty God
  • Christ our Suffering Servant
  • Christ our Righteous Branch
The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by
  • Christ our Fragrant Offering
  • Christ our Sufficient Savior
  • Christ our Coming Lord
  • Christ our Immortal King and Blessed Hope
  • Christ our superior Priest
  • Christ our Covenant Creator
  • Christ our Royal Scepter
  • Christ our Passover Lamb
  • Christ our Holy Tabernacle
  • Christ our Holy Shepherd
  • Christ our Atoning Advocate and Redeeming Ruler
  • Christ our Eternal King

With this wonderful list of attributes, you’ll be able to see the big picture of Jesus throughout the entire Bible.

Each week’s introduction also includes additional Scripture references where you can find more of Jesus’ highlighted attributes for the week.

There are plenty of charts and extra information that teach the reader more about Jesus by comparing Him to others, or by comparing events, etc.

Each week’s reading is laid out for you specifically, but it is not dated.

There is a nice checklist at the beginning of the Bible so that you can keep track of what you’ve read and where you’ve left off.

You can start the reading plan at any time of the year that is right for you.

The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by
The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by

At the end of each week’s reading is a nice summary page that reiterates the characteristic of Jesus as well as a small application section that helps you think through how you can apply what you’ve read in your life.

The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by

There are plenty of other extras in the Jesus Daily Bible. A “How to Use This Bible” page highlights all that the Bible has to offer and how things are laid out. The page talking about how the CSB translation came about and how it differs from other translations is also helpful.

The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by

Colored maps as well as a concordance/glossary is found at the back of the Bible.

There aren’t any cross-references in this Bible except for the extra references found on the introductory page at the beginning of each week. There also isn’t any on-page Bible study, commentary type notes.

The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by

All definitions and clarifications are located on the summary pages at the beginning or end of each week’s reading.

Also, Jesus’ words are not marked in red.

The Jesus Daily Bible has a really nice sturdy hard cover. My copy’s cover is navy blue with a shiny gold foil trim. There is also a matching gold satin ribbon.

When you look for your Bible book and chapter, these are typed at the bottom of the page as well as the week and day reading number. So, you’ll see Judges 9-10 at the bottom of the page as well as Week 9/Day 2.

The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by

The Bible text itself is mostly in paragraph form where the next verse may not start on a new line.

There may be a few verses that make up a paragraph. The verses in the paragraph are marked with small numbers.

The Jesus Daily Bible weighs in at almost 4 pounds.

I would recommend this Bible to whomever wants a guided reading plan to read through the Bible in one year and also to learn more about Jesus and draw closer to Him.

The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by
The Jesus Daily Bible reviewed by

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