High School Bible Curriculum to last the entire school yearPin
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Homeschooling high school age children can be hard. Believe me, I know. 

Sometimes certain subjects are just way over my head. For some people, teaching a Bible lesson to high schoolers can be very intimidating.  I mean, what if they ask a question you don’t know the answer to?

But you know Bible class is important. You want your child to be proficient in finding passages, understanding doctrine, being faithful to God in service and personal devotions, and sharing their faith and convictions with others. 

The Answer for High School Bible Class

How can your child stand strong in their future if they don’t know what they believe and why?

This list of thirty Biblical and Christian living topics will guide your child in exploring their Bible to help them form their own opinions so that they can tell others what they believe and why.

Bible curriculum for high school studentsPin

For my children, they have the list and they take one topic per week. I ask them to define what the topic word is and then find verses in the Bible that pertain to the topic. They can use the study notes and cross-references in their Bible, plus they can use a concordance. 

To reinforce each topic, they copy the verse either in writing or type, making sure to spell words correctly, capitalize as needed, and copy the punctuation accurately. 

Study that Bible!

Bible lessons for high school studentsPin

As they find verses, they are seeing what God says about each topic. I ask them to write a summary about what they’ve learned from the Bible. 

I then ask them to write what their opinion is. 

Some topics are not black and white. These difficult topics will cause your child to dig deeper into the Scriptures.

Once their studying is complete, I ask them to write a summary of their own opinion on the topic. With them acknowledging their opinion now, hopefully in the future, when confronted with a difficult situation, they will already know what they believe about the topic and why.

I ask that my kids type up their findings and summaries, edit them, and then print out a final copy. 

With thirty topics and multiple verses, this Bible assignment for the school year ends up to be many pages long. 

Do you want your high school child to be prepared, via the Scriptures, on topics such as modesty, self-control, body piercing, baptism, the Rapture, love, abortion, discipline, etc. ?

This What We Believe and Why We Believe It topic list is absolutely free. 

Can you let me know what you think? I love to hear from my readers.

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