Draw Near. Your Creative Spiritual Journal. Reviewed by Homeschooling Highway
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I received this complimentary product through The Good Book Company.

The Purpose of a Spiritual Journal

Do you wish you could stay in the habit of praying and reading your Bible every day? Do you enjoy doodling, coloring or drawing?

If you do than Draw Near: Your Creative Spiritual Journal is perfect for you.

Sophie Killingley came up with this journal idea, and it is a real help to anyone that wants to be creative and keep the habit of reading the Bible and praying every day.

The journal consists of undated pages of months and days.

This is so nice, because you can start this journal anytime. And if you happen to get out of the habit of filling out this journal, you can pick it back up later and you can start it again.

Draw Near: A Creative Spiritual Journal. Reviewed by Homeschooling Highway

Creatively Journal Your Spiritual Journey

There is no color in this book. That’s your job.

There are shapes, corner art, and other elements to color so that you can make this your very own.

The object of the book is to obviously read your Bible and pray every day, but you keep track of your progress by coloring in a section on your tracking sheet for each day.

There is plenty of space for notes each day. You can write out your to-do’s, journal your thoughts, place your prayer requests, or even write down what you read in the Bible that day.

After every monthly spread is two pages of dotted pages.

These dots are here for you to design your own pages. You can create anything that you need in your journal: charts or tables, check-off lists, etc.

Ms. Killingley has graciously provided reminders for us in her tracking sheets that if we don’t get to read our Bible or pray that day, that God still loves us.

Journaling the Spiritual Applications

Weekends are included in the Draw Near journal. On each weekend page there is space provided for sermon notes as well as space to write the life application that you can apply that day.

Emphasis is placed each month on specific Bible passages.

The first six months is Psalm 103 and the second six months is Ephesians 1:1-14.

A small creative prompt is placed at the beginning of each monthly tracking sheet.

This creative prompt talks a little bit about the scripture passages above, but also gives you a “to-do” that will help you meditate on God’s word.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone that would like to have a spiritual journal as well as a place to be creative during their personal devotion time.

Draw Near: A Creative Spiritual Journal. Reviewed by Homeschooling Highway

About the Author

Sophie Killingley is a freelance artist who loves quirky fonts and candid cartoons.

A teacher of modern calligraphy, she also makes note-taking and journalling pages every week for members of her church in Surrey, UK.

She is married to a pastor and has two children.

Find her on Twitter @PrettySophieK or online at perishandfade.com.

About The Good Book Company

The Good Book Company which is an international book publishing company was founded by Mr. Tim Thornborough.

Their aim is to provide biblical and relevant resources that will encourage Christians and help them grow spiritually. 

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